Integration API
Here we explain what kind of data you can fetch from our services. Usecase is mostly when you want to store this data on your own premise or use this data to calculate something.
📄️ App
Integrate any Product into your app using webview.
📄️ Call
Fetch all data related to ImBox Call
📄️ Chat
Fetch all data related to ImBox Chat
📄️ Contacts
Handle ImBox contacts and accounts. A contact can be connected to an account by accountId property.
📄️ Ecommerce
Fetch all data related to ImBox Ecommerce tracker.
📄️ FAQ
Fetch all data related to ImBox FAQ
📄️ FAQ v2
Get categories
📄️ Forms
Fetch all data related to ImBox Forms
📄️ Tickets
Fetch all data related to ImBox Ticket.
📄️ Webhook
Some data can be provided as a webhook callback. Below you see what events you can subscribe to and the data that comes with it. To add a webhook in ImBox, please contact ImBox Customer Service.